User Specification

Impact CoCNews

The first slot of the day was dedicated to User Specification. Hildelies Balk outlined the challenges of the libraries for OCR of historic texts, and the solutions that IMPACT will provide. Clemens Neudecker showed the Interoperability Framework with the tools for evaluation, which led to lively discussion. We can expect a new influx of tools to be tested in the Framework after this! Hildelies then did some promotion of the Centre of Competence and urged everyone to join us on LinkedIn and visit the conference on 24 and 25 October in London.

IMPACT Workshop : 01 . IMPACT Centre of Competence by Hidelies Balk and Clemens Neudecker from LITIS Laboratory on Vimeo.

After this Marie Luce Demonet of CESR Tours presented the latest developments in the BVH project . We saw possibilities for working together on evaluating results, language work and comparing methods. There could be an interesting case study in this!

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IMPACT Workshop : 02. Latest Devlopments on BHV project (Virtual Humanistic Libraries) By Pr. Marie-Luce Demonet from LITIS Laboratory on Vimeo.