Asaf Tzadok (IBM Haifa Research Lab) showed us IBM’s CONCERT tool which facilitates collaborative OCR correction. CONCERT (Cooperative Engine for the Correction of Extracted Text) works in three steps: character session, word session and page-level session.
Character session presents the user with a list of characters the OCR has characterised as the same letter. The user can then mark characters as “suspicious”. In the next step, theses characters are presented in word context, where the user can again decide if the characters were recognised correctly. In the final step, characters and words that are still marked as suspicious are shown on page-level. CONCERT also has a series of games including “feed the dolphin, he is hungry”.
View the presentation here:
[slideshare id=9870155&doc=asaftzadok-111025042834-phpapp02]
and the video here:
Lotte Wilms (KB) joined Asaf on stage and gave the library perspective: 3 libraries were involved and user tests were carried out by all the libraries with full support from IBM