2-Succeed in digitisation. Spreading excellence. Take-up of tools: the libraries’ experience.

Impact CoCEvents, News, Succeed

In the first block, after the introduction of Katrien Depuydt, WP3 leader, nine of the thirteen libraries participating in the Succeed evaluation and take-up of tools presented their results and shared their experience during their participation in the Succeed project.

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The first library in presenting their work was the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Judith Rog talked about the tools NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit), INL NERT (Named Entities Recognition Tool) and the Impact Lexicon used as webservice.

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bvmc_pThen, Oskarbi Zubiarrain, from the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, took the floor to present their evaluation of NCSR Geometric Correction: Page Curl tool and the Abbyy FR Engine v10.




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bnf_jeanphilipe_pJean Philippe Moreux, on behalf of Bibliothèque nationale de France, presented their evaluation of Layout Evaluation tool, ocrevalUAtion tool and Aletheia.






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KU LeuvenSam Alloing and Demmy Verbecke, from the library of KU Leuven, presented their results with Aletheia, ocrevalUAtion, Abbyy FR Engine 10 (SDK version), INL Attestation tool, NERT and Europeana Newspapers NER.



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Then, there was time for a coffee at the companies and posters exhibit.



granadaAfter the break, the libraries went on with their presentations, now it was the turn of Anne-Vinciane Doucet, from the library of the Universidad de Granada, she presented the tools Alchemy API and Scan Tailor.



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finlandTuula Pääkkönen, from the National Library of Finland, presented their results in using Fraunhofer Deskewer and Fraunhofer Korrektor tools.






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FranzDr. Rafal Lewandowski, from Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa, showed their results with ImageMagick, Scan Tailor and JHOVE.




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polandGrazyna Piotrowicz, from Wroclaw University Library, presented the tools Scan Tailor and Tesseract.







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wolfangFinally, Wolfgang Stille, from University Library of Darmstadt, presented the evaluation of the Fraunhofer tools Newspapers Segmenter, Korrektor and Document Deskewer.



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awards_pAfter these presentations, Hildelies Balk, Chair of the Impact Centre of Competence Board, delivered the Succeed Award to the best library in the Succeed evaluation and take-up of tools to the library KU Leuven and two commendations of merit to the National Library of Finland and Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa.

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salfordThen, the floor was opened for Apostolos Antonacopoulos, WP5 leader, who presented the evaluation infrastructure performed during the Succeed project.




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Pascal ThuillezTo close this first session, before the lunch, Pascal Thuilliez, sales manager of the company i2s Digibook (member of the Impact Centre of Competence and sponsor of this conference) had some minutes to present their products and services to the audience.


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