Panel discussion about further research and development projects

Silvia GarcíaEvents, News, Succeed

During the  Succeed Final Conference, that will take place in BnF (Paris, 28 November), a Panel Discussion will be held in order to explore funding opportunities for collaborative R&I projects and initiatives in Digitisation.

The session will start with a brief introduction by Alicia Blaya (Succeed WP7 Coordinator) on Horizon 2020, the main EU instrument for funding R&I projects, and the Structural Funds as a particular way to support Digitisation initiatives.


The Panel will then focus on discussing concrete calls for proposals and opportunities for collaborative R&I in Digitisation. After the Panel’s debate, all participants will be invited to discuss in small groups and share their interests and views towards building up new projects and initiatives to help the future of Digitisation develop further. The latter discussion will be followed by a coffee break, where participants will have the opportunity to continue with their previous conversations.

We encourage you to come and participate in this open discussion and also retweet your comments and suggestions using #succeedconf.

To attend the free conference ‘Succeed in digitisation. Spreading excellence’  registration is required.