Datatón Cervantes & Open Data Brunch

Impact Centre of CompetenceDatatonCervantes, Events

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Wikimedia España and Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (FBVMC), in collaboration with IMPACT Centre of Competence, organise #DatatónCervantes, a workshop for Wikidata edition that will take place in Medialab-Prado, Madrid, on Saturday, February 24th, from 10am to 3pm.

The objective of this workshop is to foster the edition and re-use of Open Data, whose use facilitates access to information, promotes transparency and collaboration, while generating the creation of applications for society. Both the FBVMC and Wikimedia have opted for the publication of Open Data in their projects y Wikidata.

During the #DatatónCervantes, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of both projects and the collaborative edition. After the presentations, the skills acquired will be put into practice in a literary data editing workshop on Wikidata. This free database is used, among other functions, as a central repository of the structured data of Wikipedia, Wikiviajes, Wikisource and other projects for free knowledge.

The attendance is free, but places are limited and it is necessary to perform prior registration. In addition, it is necessary that participants bring their own computer equipment and that, if they do not have it, activate a user account on Wikidata beforehand.

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