During the Digitisation Days, on 20 May, the National Library of the Netherlands (KB) hosted an interesting and fruitful Round …
DATeCH 5th Session – Enrichment & Poster session
After the Succeed Awards ceremony and the lunch break, the DATeCH conference continued in the afternoon with its 5th session, …
DATeCH 4th Session – Best practices and experiences
The second Digitisation Day started with two parallel sessions. The scientific presentations related to “Best practices and experiences in digitisation …
DATeCH 3rd Session – Postcorrection
After the lunch break, the DATeCH conference continued with its third session, chaired by Martin Reynaert (Tilburg University), where the …
DATeCH 2nd Session – Linguistic processing and encoding
In the second session, chaired by Katrien Depuydt (Institut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie), Linguistic Processing and Encoding was discussed.
DATeCH 1st Session – Document Analysis and OCR
After the opening session, the activity in the DATeCH international conference started. The first session, chaired by Basilis Gatos (National …
Digitisation Days, 19-20 May 2014
Digitisation Days, organized by the Succeed project and the Impact Centre of Competence, were held at Biblioteca Nacional de España …
Round Table: Future Research for the Digital library
Join our creative, Round Table workshop on Tuesday morning, 20th May, 9.00-11.00, to shape future research and funding in digitisation …
DATeCH conference and Digitisation Days
The Impact Centre of Competence and Succeed are pleased to invite you to their Digitisation Days, a major event in the field of text …
Open Humanities Awards
The second round of the Open Humanities Awards will run from 30 April until 30 May 2014. The Awards are cordinated …