DIGI-to digitise Talkoot-people gathering to work together voluntarily (without payment).
Majilis Bremer-Laamanen (National Library of Finland) shares their unique experiment in crowdsourcing OCR correction through gaming with their Digitalkoot Project launched February 2011.
As Richard Boulderstone, British Library, touched on his keynote, the National Library of Finland faces the same issues of digitising at scale millions of pages of historical newspapers, books, journals, ephemera and sound, processing and enhancing them in the most cost-effective manner. Partnering with Microtask, they launched two web-based games which turned the meaningful but arduous task of human review of OCR’d text into a collaborative, manageable and useful game.
DigiTalkoot Mole Bridge
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DigiTalkoot Mole Hunt
ARVE Error: need id and provider
View the presentation here:
[slideshare id=9870304&doc=majlisbremer-laamanen-111025044727-phpapp01]
and the video here: