IMPACT Final Conference – The EC Digital Agenda and Official Launch of the IMPACT Centre of Competence


Khalil Rouhana, Director for digital content and cognitive systems in DG Information Society and Media at the European Commission gave an overview of the EC Digital Agenda.

Khalil explained that the IMPACT project has been one of the biggest projects relating to size. Initially there were doubts that large-scale projects were the right way of supporting innovation and the FP7 team were involved in a lot of discussion on the approach to take. However IMPACT has been a good example of why large scale integrating projects are still valuable for the ICT agenda of the EU.

Khalil talked about the digital agenda for Europe which includes creating a sustainable financing model for Europeana, creating a legal framework for orphan and out of commerce works. Three important aspects are stressed : 1) that ‘access’ is the central concept 2) digitisation should be a moral obligation to maintain our cultural resources 3) Common platforms are central to the strategy. The bottlenecks are the funding challenge and copyright.

Khalil referred to the Comite des Sages report. He also pointed attendees to future calls in the areas of digital preservation and cultural heritage: Call 9 (DL is 17 April 2012), WP 2013 the orientation in currently in preparation.

Khalil then officially launched the IMPACT Centre of Competence.

View the presentation here:

[slideshare id=9875617&doc=khalilrouhana-111025105326-phpapp02]

View the video here (including introduction from Hildelies Balk: