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Around the world leading national, state and university libraries are creating ‘lab type environments’ so that their digitised cultural heritage collections and data can be opened up and re-used for creative, innovative and inspiring projects by everyone such as digital researchers, artists, entrepreneurs and educators.
This two-day event is a forum for discussion and networking, bringing together national, state and university libraries with existing or planned digital ‘Labs-style’ teams from around the world. It’s a chance to network, share lessons learned, and tell each other about innovative projects and services that are using digital collections / data in new and interesting ways.
Please note as spaces are limited, this event page has been set up for attendees already invited.
If you are interested in coming to this event and have not been invited yet, please email labs@bl.uk with a brief explanation as to why it would be important for you to attend.
The event is organised by the British Library Labs project.
Refreshments / lunch are provided on both days.
Date and Time
Thursday 13 September 2018, 09:00 – 18:00 (followed by an optional dinner, 19:30 – 21:00)
Friday 14 September 2018, 09:00 – 16:40
The British Library, Foyle Suite, Centre of Conservation, St Pancras, NW1 2DB London, United Kingdom.
Please refer to the following map for how to get to the British Library. When you arrive at the library, the Information Desk will be able to point you towards the Foyle Suite which is on the first floor and across the outdoor terrace at the back of the Library.
A detailed programme is available here.
#buildlibrarylabs & @bl_labs
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